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Author - alex-skipper

The Dodecanese Islands

The Dodecanese Islands The Dodecanese Islands are a marine paradise of more than 163 islands located at the extreme limits of the Aegean Sea, just a few miles from the coasts of Turkey and Crete. Skipper Armatori offer professional skippers on your cruises who will guide you around the Dodecanese Islands for an unforgettable sailing holiday. The Dodecanese Islands...

Vista del Mare del Saronico in Grecia-Copertina

The Saronic Islands

The Saronic Islands The islands in the Saronic Gulf are located near Athens between Attica and the eastern part of Peloponnese. The zone is ideal for sailing holidays because it is sheltered from the Meltemi winds which are strong in July and August in the Cyclades. Read all the useful information and what not to forget on your sailing holiday with Skipper Armatori...

Vista delle Isole Ioniche della Grecia

Ionian Islands

Ionian Islands The Ionian Archipelago (Lefkada, Ithaca, Kefalonia, Zante) is one of the most charming and spectacular places to visit on a sailing holiday. Discover our sailing holidays for singles, couples and families, in the Greek Ionian Islands. Ionian Islands The Ionian Archipelago (Lefkada, Ithaca, Kefalonia, Zante) is one of the most charming and spectacular...

Vista dell'Elba e Capraia-Copertina

Elba and Capraia

Elba and Capraia The Park includes the seven islands of the Tuscan Archipelago located in the Tyrrhenian Sea that has become an important cradle for diversity in terms of natural environments. Experience the emotions offered by the sea with us: set sail towards the summer of your dreams by booking your sailing cruise around the Island of Elba with Skipper Armatori...

Vista delle Isole Eolie

Aeolian Islands

Aeolian Islands The Aeolian Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are famous for their stunning coasts and submarine life, being one of the most interesting areas in all of the Mediterranean for its marine species. Set sail with Skipper Armatori towards the Aeolian Islands and discover stunning places and landscapes. Learn more about our sailing holidays. The...

Baia Isole Dalmazia

Dalmatian Islands

Dalmatian Islands Dalmatia is proud of its ancient history dating back 1700 years! It was the year 305 A.D. when the Roman Emperor Diocletian chose the area of central Dalmatia to build his home. Experience the sea and sun of Croatia on a sailing cruise with Skipper Armatori. A Little More About The Dalmatian Islands Dalmatia is proud of its ancient history dating...

Le Isole Incoronate Croazia

Kornati Islands National Park

Kornati Islands National Park The Kornati islands National Park is one of the most beautiful and jagged archipelagos in the Mediterranean, making up a unique weave of 150 islands, islets and cliffs found in the central part of the Adriatic Sea. Experience a unique atmosphere and see some of the most beautiful landscapes of the stunning Kornati Islands. Experience a...

Vista dell'Elba e Capraia-Copertina

Isole D’Elba e Capraia

ISOLE D’ELBA E CAPRAIA La Toscana si può considerare un vero e proprio scrigno di tesori unici al mondo: città d’arte, borghi pittoreschi, straordinari panorami collinari, magnifiche isole e litorali, sommati a una cucina semplice e genuina e vini tra i migliori al mondo. A sole 20 miglia dalla costa della regione sorge il Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago...

Vista delle Isole Eolie

Isole Eolie

ISOLE EOLIE La Sicilia è abbracciata da un mare di infinite sfumature, ricca di storia e tradizioni in cui arte e cultura si incontrano e ti accompagnano mentre navighi tra le suggestive isole che la circondano. Il nero della lava, il bianco della pomice, il giallo delle ginestre, il verde dei cespugli e il blu limpido del mare, danno forma ai sette capolavori...

Isole del Dodecaneso

Vacanze In Barca A Vela Alle Isole Del Dodecaneso Navigare nel cuore del Dodecaneso con Skipper Armatori apre le porte a un’esperienza di vacanza in barca a vela indimenticabile, dove il blu profondo del Mar Egeo incontra la ricchezza storica e culturale di isole incantevoli. Partendo da Kos o Rodi, ogni rotta si dipana in un’avventura che abbraccia le...